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Terrestrial Perdition

A garden for romance is

brimming with dead flowers

It's getting impractical;

A room inside is suffocating in its scent.

Poison ivy and oak grow to give

rashes of temporary permanence.

Splinters of glass on soil floor

shine like souvenirs of the sun

Ixora clot, bougainvillea bleed

Flame vines burn smiles

under mid summer's heat.

Friends, Botanists, plantsmen

tear a page from Shakespeare's finest-

"sweet flowers are slow and weeds make haste"

So, leave the leaves to shed,

wait for Fall to come

Don't we know Calpurnia

blooms yellow all over,

all over bloody doom.



At this point, this page's sole target audience has solely become me and future me. I'm making references so niche they will only delight me.

gonna try to break down few things, just because I love it (and I know I'm being a pretentious arsehole with these but gah I love coding shit in words)

The title: Terrestrial Paradise is another name for the Garden of Eden (why am I obsessed with biblical references, I'm not even Christian). Play on that is Terrestrial Perdition, making it a hellish landscape

Imagery: a cool day with blazing sunlight, garden outside a broken house (there's one in my neighbourhood that fits this description perfectly) it's filled with dangerous plants

Specific plants: !Dead flowers (grief)

!Poison ivy/oak (danger/uncertainty)

!Ixora, Bougainvillea (hurt/love)

!Flame vine (anger/passion)

!Calpurnia aka wild laburnum (SHAKES PEER REF heheheheh)

Sakesbeer: midsummer, a play on "Friends, Romans, Countrymen..", Richard III quote

(I haven't even read that bahaha I just like the line) and continuing Julius Caesar ref- Fall (of Caesar), Calpurnia's loyalty and love (yellow).

Also I said Ixora clots bc the flowers are bunched together like clotting blood:

And bougainvillea is more fluid? in flower formation, like it's bleeding:

The structure is a bit wonky and the gardening facts are a bit weak but I have math exam so Imma put it in Barely poem category xD Hope you enjoyed



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